вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Okay. I read this and it made me mad. Another of the seemingly arbitrary apos;guidesapos; posted to Yahoo on tipping revealed that 10 wasnapos;t good enough, and neither was 15. I knew this, and I always tip 20, even when Iapos;m ordering pizza and tipping the driver. However, in their list of 5 tips, these were the last two:

RULE NO. 4: Never turn a blind eye when others are tipping--especially if theyapos;re unfamiliar with our tipping culture (i.e., Europeans). If you think your tablemate is lowballing the service, itapos;s best to hand the waiter a few bills on the way out.

RULE NO. 5: If a few dollars here and there really matter that much to your bank account, perhaps you shouldnapos;t be going out to eat in the first place.

I used to go out with a couple of elderly folk, who are notoriously bad tippers, many of whom still think a straight dollar left at the table is more than adequate. Two of them tipped a straight ten percent, even if the waiter/ess helped them on with their coats, opened the door, held out chairs, basically anything you could do beyond the call of duty for someone who had limited mobility and/or sense. I still feel a little guilty about some of the tips they left.

But. When you budget out your money like I do and save some for treats like going out, you donapos;t have any to spare for bad tipping even if you know itapos;s going to happen. That, and itapos;s not your responsibility. If you go out, you should know basics like tipping. Iapos;ve said a few things in my time, like, apos;ten percent is pretty weak right nowapos; or apos;yes, leave him your change, he wonapos;t mindapos;, anything to get the poor shlub an extra penny or three. If youapos;re from out of the country and do something wrong, you shouldnapos;t feel upset about being corrected. And... This is America, home of rudeness. We tell it like it is. I personally donapos;t know ANYONE who would apos;slip the waiter a few bills on the way outapos; before telling the person/people who apos;lowballedapos; that theyapos;d basically cheated someone of their tip. Point of fact, I have several aunts on both sides who would go apos;you canapos;t give them that, add someapos;

But if the author of that article is honestly intent on keeping the tipping in tune, heapos;s very welcome to go to all the restaurants in my area and make up for it himself.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Professional loudmouth blatherer Kevin James goes on Hardball and accuses Barack Obama of appeasement. Chris Matthews gets tired of this and calls him out: he asks what exactly was it that Neville Chamberlain did wrong back in 1939. Lulz ensue and Matthews calls him names.

And in conclusion, donapos;t ever listen to right-wing pundits, and that goes double for them if they have a horrible drawl, unless you want to wind up looking as dumb as Kevin James on national television.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


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I should do homework. :] And Iapos;m up before 11. Thanks to Lyd

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I've said it before and, by now, I probably sound like a broken record ... (For young people who might not be aware ... A record is a grooved, vinyl disc on which sound is recorded ... And played on a phonograph - also known as a record player) ... But it's great to live in a state which is "in play" at election time.

I have lived in states in which your vote really doesn't matter because Democrats or Republicans win by such overwhelming majorities that your vote would be the difference between 65.000001 or 65.000002 for the winning candidate. But that's not the case in Missouri ... Where our votes are wanted and needed.

To back up that desire for our precious votes ... The campaigns are sending in the troops over the next few days ... Including the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack "the Big O" Obama holds rallies in St. Louis and Kansas City on Saturday. Jill Biden, the wife of Democrat VP candidate Joe "Ladies and Gentlemen" Biden, is in the midst of a three day tour of the state that has taken her or will take her to such places as Cape Girardeau, Springfield, Joplin, Columbia, St. Louis, St. Peters, Hillsboro, St. Joseph, Excelsior Springs, and Kansas City. Did I leave out anyone? Joe, himself, spent a couple of days in the state last week.

On the Republican side ... Presidential candidate John "the Maverick" McCain returns to Missouri next week to rally supporters. He'll start out Monday morning with a rally in St. Charles ... And close it with a rally in Belton, near Kansas City. He is also planning a stop in Columbia in between. That will apparently not be a rally.

Finally ... Vice President Dick "Big Time" Cheney campaigns for 9th Congressional District GOP candidate Blaine Luetkemeyer in St. Louis on Monday afternoon ... Then heads to Cape Girardeau to deliver remarks at a reception for Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder.

Trust me ... It's much more fun to live in a state that can go either way than one that is not in play - You get courted ... And it's nice to be courted. In fact, with all these folks campaigning in Missouri ... Only one thing could make it better - send us Sarah

- Steve Walsh

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I know how pathetic it is to live my life in a way people expect you to live it.

But�sometimes I accidentally do so cos I donapos;t want to hear anything from anyone.

I hate it when people tell me Iapos;m doing the wrong thing or maybe I should do this, or do that blah blah blah.�I hate it when people are all over me demanding you to be someone youapos;re not really sure you want to be.

If I am to do something, starting today, Iapos;ll make sure itapos;s what I want. Not just because I want to please someone or just because Iapos;m scared that people might judge for what Iapos;m going to do.

Iapos;m not going to CARE anymore. Care is something we earn, if�you want me to care for you, you must earn it first. Then maybe once in a while, Iapos;ll stop and think first of what I am to do�and if it will have an effect on you.

Then maybe Iapos;ll listen to you too.

-Inspired by Gin Blossomapos;s Til I hear it from you
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� I FINALLY found a song I had been looking for since I� first saw American History X. Back then, I had set aside some plans for Mr. Norton and put things on the back burner. Then, I had discovered that he was cast for the second Hulk movie as Banner, which will help some other old plans come to life as well. I found the song I initially needed today by Faith No More entitled "Epic". No one could remember the whole fish and piano solo thing�at the end of�the video and rightfully so; the vid and song were crap (high tech for back then) which made it an instant one-hit wonder.

Well, itapos;s back to the lab again
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