вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Okay. I read this and it made me mad. Another of the seemingly arbitrary apos;guidesapos; posted to Yahoo on tipping revealed that 10 wasnapos;t good enough, and neither was 15. I knew this, and I always tip 20, even when Iapos;m ordering pizza and tipping the driver. However, in their list of 5 tips, these were the last two:

RULE NO. 4: Never turn a blind eye when others are tipping--especially if theyapos;re unfamiliar with our tipping culture (i.e., Europeans). If you think your tablemate is lowballing the service, itapos;s best to hand the waiter a few bills on the way out.

RULE NO. 5: If a few dollars here and there really matter that much to your bank account, perhaps you shouldnapos;t be going out to eat in the first place.

I used to go out with a couple of elderly folk, who are notoriously bad tippers, many of whom still think a straight dollar left at the table is more than adequate. Two of them tipped a straight ten percent, even if the waiter/ess helped them on with their coats, opened the door, held out chairs, basically anything you could do beyond the call of duty for someone who had limited mobility and/or sense. I still feel a little guilty about some of the tips they left.

But. When you budget out your money like I do and save some for treats like going out, you donapos;t have any to spare for bad tipping even if you know itapos;s going to happen. That, and itapos;s not your responsibility. If you go out, you should know basics like tipping. Iapos;ve said a few things in my time, like, apos;ten percent is pretty weak right nowapos; or apos;yes, leave him your change, he wonapos;t mindapos;, anything to get the poor shlub an extra penny or three. If youapos;re from out of the country and do something wrong, you shouldnapos;t feel upset about being corrected. And... This is America, home of rudeness. We tell it like it is. I personally donapos;t know ANYONE who would apos;slip the waiter a few bills on the way outapos; before telling the person/people who apos;lowballedapos; that theyapos;d basically cheated someone of their tip. Point of fact, I have several aunts on both sides who would go apos;you canapos;t give them that, add someapos;

But if the author of that article is honestly intent on keeping the tipping in tune, heapos;s very welcome to go to all the restaurants in my area and make up for it himself.

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